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Evolution Consulting, LLC.

Background Checks

EVOCON’s obligations to our clients are to perform legal, comprehensive criminal background checks for pre-employment applicants. Background checks are regularly performed by EVOCON for employers to ensure that:

  • An employee is who he or she says they are
  • The individual does not have a damaging history (such as criminal activity) that may reflect poorly on the company
  • Information that an applicant included on their application for employment is accurate
  • The applicant is allowed by law to work in certain environments, such as healthcare. Extensive background checks that include a search of barrier crimes are a necessary effort to ensure the safety of your employees and the clients who support you

Contact us today to get started with our background check services.

Go beyond the interview and achieve your hiring goals with personalized background checks.

Evolution Consulting, LLC provides professional background checks on prospective employees. Our highly trained and experienced investigators are dedicated to providing your company with the most accurate reports in a timely manner so that you can evaluate the qualifications, character, and integrity of the applicant.
  • Create a more reliable workforce
  • Reduce employee turnover rates
  • Reduce fraud, theft, and violence
  • Reduce costs of hiring and firing
  • Increase safety and security
  • Improve the reputation of your company
  • Reduce employee absenteeism
  • Ensure compliance with industry regulations

About Our Online Customer Portal

Evolution Consulting, LLC has designed a state of the art Customer Portal for applicant management and background check results. Below are some of the key features associated with our Customer Portal infrastructure.

  • Submit Applicants Easily Online
  • Get Live Status Updates
  • Order Services Online
  • Customized Access Levels
  • Electronic Consent Form Integration
  • Create Custom Application Templates
  • Retrieve and Store Completed Background Check Reports
  • Powerful Search Tools
  • Notifications Via Email
  • And More!
online application form

Online Candidate Application Form

Our Candidate Application Form (CAF) allows applicants to submit background check requests quickly and easily Online. It can be fully customized to suit the needs of your business. When an applicant fills out a CAF, the sections will cause auto checking of the service boxes in the portal, and then the Background Check will be auto submitted to Evolution Consulting for processing.

Application Features

  • Create multiple versions of the CAF based on services required or customer location.
  • Forced fields gather all pertinent data.
  • Customized criminal history question.
  • Set minimum number of employers.
  • Auto email notification to the customer upon receipt. Alternatively the system can auto approve each form.
  • Includes disclosure/authorization and wet-signature consent form. Sign with your mouse, finger, or stylus.
  • And more!

Work Force Challenges We Resolve

Employee retention

  • Onboarding process is much quicker when we are involved! Results are available within 1-2 days. 
  • Employee turnover is drastically reduced when some type of background check investigation is conducted. 
  • Qualified employees with verifiable credentials are effectively placed within your organization.

Meets Compliance Standards

  • Most industries set standards for pre-employment screening. Our services and reporting style meets all compliance requirements.
  • Federal regulations for I-9, E-Verify, and sanction screening reporting are provided through our services. We help with audits too!
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliance is at the core of all services we provide: dispute procedures, disclosures, end-user Credentialing, adverse action, consent forms. We have you covered!

Obtaining A Signed Release Form Under FCRA

  • Some educational and financial institutions need a wet signature to release data
  • Delays background check process by 2-days
Tenant Screening for Property Management

Types of Background Checks

1. Tenant Screening for Property Management

2. Department of Transportation 

3. Healthcare 

4. Department of Transportation 

5. Credentialing 

6. Banks

7. Youth Sports and Camps